- Islam a message of peace and belief - Islam a message of peace and belief

Vol 2006 - Aaya Zuljana - Urdu

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By Safdar Abbas Posted about 17 years ago
aaya zuljana
75 profile photo
Total Series: 73    Series Views: 132830
Karachi, Pakistan

Uploads In Nohey Series - Vol 2006

28,937 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
14,299 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
aik deya jala deyna Download mp3 (833KB)
12,907 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
darya hey humara Download mp3 (1.2MB)
19,081 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
geo hussainio Download mp3 (1.5MB)
11,645 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
hind khaafla woh aageya Download mp3 (1.4MB)
10,992 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
mangho duaey Download mp3 (990KB)
13,036 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
rana sung ka khanjar Download mp3 (1.1MB)
11,748 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
shaam chaleya Download mp3 (1.4MB)
10,993 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
tera dais aageya Download mp3 (1.4MB)
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