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Collection Of Urdu Dua E Sahifa E Kaamla - Darpaish Mohim Key Leyey Dua - Urdu

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darpaish mohim key leyey dua
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Total Series: 482    Series Views: 273397
Karachi, Pakistan

Uploads In Duas Ziaraat Series - Collection Of Urdu Dua E Sahifa E Kaamla

44,593 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
allah key hazoor aajizzi Download mp3 (1.1MB)
13,429 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
allah key hazoor aajizzi Download mp3 (372KB)
9,579 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
allah key hazoor talab Download mp3 (332KB)
13,402 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
allah key hazoor talab Download mp3 (946KB)
8,071 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
darpaish mohim key leyey dua Download mp3 (625KB)
11,569 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
darpaish mohim key leyey dua Download mp3 (1.8MB)
8,041 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
dua keya hey Download mp3 (1.7MB)
11,545 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
dua keya hey Download mp3 (4.9MB)
13,532 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
ghunhao sey mafi ki dua Download mp3 (1.6MB)
29,751 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
ghunhao sey mafi ki dua Download mp3 (4.7MB)
7,627 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
khuda ki tasbhi Download mp3 (356KB)
10,929 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
14,159 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
rizq key tangi key waqt ki dua Download mp3 (235KB)
33,726 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
rizq key tangi key waqt ki dua Download mp3 (669KB)
8,747 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
shetaan sey bachney ki dua Download mp3 (899KB)
12,704 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
shetaan sey bachney ki dua Download mp3 (2.6MB)
10,347 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
waaldain key leyey dua Download mp3 (1.1MB)
15,107 views     Added: Tue 19, Dec 2006     17 years ago
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