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Ali Rizvi (Son Of Sachay Bhai) 2015 - 02.Magar Bas Hay Khayal Iska - Urdu

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By Sachey Bhai Marhoom (Zulfiqar-E-Haidery) Posted about 8 years ago
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Total Series: 149    Series Views: 6133

Uploads In Nohay Series - Ali Rizvi (Son Of Sachay Bhai) 2015

35,439 views     Added: Thu 12, Nov 2015     8 years ago
3,499 views     Added: Thu 12, Nov 2015     8 years ago
02.MAGAR BAS HAY KHAYAL ISKA Download mp3 (1.8MB)
5,101 views     Added: Thu 12, Nov 2015     8 years ago
03.TAQADAM WALADI Download mp3 (2.4MB)
4,443 views     Added: Thu 12, Nov 2015     8 years ago
04.LAILA KA CHAND Download mp3 (1.5MB)
2,880 views     Added: Thu 12, Nov 2015     8 years ago
05.SALAMI RANJ O GHAM KI Download mp3 (1.9MB)
5,105 views     Added: Thu 12, Nov 2015     8 years ago
06.APNE SINE PE SAKINA KO Download mp3 (1.7MB)
2,561 views     Added: Thu 12, Nov 2015     8 years ago
07.GHAR MAY AHLEBAIT KAY Download mp3 (1.5MB)
3,755 views     Added: Thu 12, Nov 2015     8 years ago
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