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Topic: Risalat Aur Haqeeqat-E-Imamat Ashra E Muharram 1444Hj - 2022 - 01 Majlis 01 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Maulana Abu Talib Tabatabai - Urdu

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By Allama Abu Talib Tabatabai Posted about 2 years ago
1st Majlis 1444Hj 1. Emphasis on understandibiltyof Risalat and Imamat in the light of saying of Imam Ali (as)in Nehj ul Balagha . 2. Continuation of Allah's message after Rasool (pbuh)through Imamat signifies the presence of Asmat -e-Rasool amongst us . 3. Through Sur-e-Tuba Almighty has showed his Tawheed while giving gifts to his prophet (pbuh). 4. Pointed out the philosophy of Astaghfar while reaching to Rasool (pbuh)for tawassul 5. Astaghfar is granted to everyone except those who have fisq in their hearts against those who are close to the prophet . 6. Reach Allah for Astaghfar like Adam as when he realizes his act then he reached out for apology and Rehmat-e-Ilahi . 7. Teach your kids the true concept of Imamat .Strong and righteous believes of Imamat which has been explained by Imam Ali (as). 8. Link yourself to those who guides you towards Imam(as) but not to those who are bringing any person close to the divine place of Imam (as).As this act is called Inhiraf and the person is called as Munharif
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01 Majlis 01 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Maulana Abu Talib Tabatabai
2 years ago  1,850 views
Added: Mon 1, Aug 2022
01 majlis 01 muharram 1444hj 2022 Maulana abu talib tabatabai Download mp3 (35.3MB)
02 Majlis 02 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Abutalibtabatabi
2 years ago  798 views
Added: Tue 2, Aug 2022
02 majlis 02 muharram 1444hj 2022 abutalibtabatabi Download mp3 (33.3MB)
03 Majlis 03 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Abutalibtabatabi
2 years ago  1,114 views
Added: Wed 3, Aug 2022
03 majlis 03 muharram 1444hj 2022 abutalibtabatabi Download mp3 (33.37MB)
04 Majlis 04 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Abutalibtabatabi
2 years ago  666 views
Added: Thu 4, Aug 2022
04 majlis 04 muharram 1444hj 2022 abutalibtabatabi Download mp3 (32.18MB)
05 Majlis 05 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Abutalibtabatabi
2 years ago  618 views
Added: Fri 5, Aug 2022
05 majlis 05 muharram 1444hj 2022 abutalibtabatabi Download mp3 (41.73MB)
06 Majlis 06 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Abutalibtabatabi
2 years ago  596 views
Added: Sat 6, Aug 2022
06 majlis 06 muharram 1444hj 2022 abutalibtabatabi Download mp3 (39.96MB)
07 Majlis 07 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Abutalibtabatabi
2 years ago  602 views
Added: Mon 8, Aug 2022
07 majlis 07 muharram 1444hj 2022 abutalibtabatabi Download mp3 (54.11MB)
08 Majlis 08 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Abutalibtabatabi
2 years ago  545 views
Added: Mon 8, Aug 2022
08 majlis 08 muharram 1444hj 2022 abutalibtabatabi Download mp3 (49.54MB)
09 Majlis 09 Muharram 1444Hj 2022 Abutalibtabatabi
2 years ago  535 views
Added: Wed 10, Aug 2022
09 majlis 09 muharram 1444hj 2022 abutalibtabatabi Download mp3 (47.29MB)
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